Application Assessment & Code Review

Catch the vulnerabilities in your applications at the code level.

Often, your biggest security liabilities are in the code of your custom applications. How certain are you that your developers or 3rd party contractors followed security best practices while developing your applications? Application developers, unsurprisingly, are focused primarily on building great apps. They don’t always have the security background or education needed in today’s cyber threat landscape.

The Novacoast Security team is made up of developers with advanced security experience and industry certifications who can audit code and bolster application security by closing vulnerabilities.

In the past 16+ years conducting countless security assessments, the Novacoast Team has a perfect record for penetrating into systems without any inside knowledge or special access.

We Can Help
  • In-depth architecture review – Novacoast security experts review code and application structure for vulnerabilities baked-in at the code level.
  • Analysis with prioritized recommendations – we present our findings in business-impact terms in two reports: a high level overview for an executive audience, and a detailed technical report for the security staff.
  • Vulnerability fixes – Developers with specialized security training will fix security holes in application code without compromising the functionality of the app.

“No one (else) brought up that these confidential documents were exposed to the public. It’s pretty incredible.”
Fortune 100 Company (name withheld by request)

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