HIPAA Compliance

Size Does Not Matter, HIPAA Applies to You

Regardless of the size of the organization, if you handle Personal Health Information (PHI) you have to follow the rules of HIPAA. This can be a daunting exercise of weeding through the various technology solutions and aligning processes and procedures. Now you have to expand this exercise to your Business Associates. How exhausting.

At Novacoast we understand that a one-size-fits-all solution for HIPAA requirements is not a reality. We listen to organizations to find where the pain really is and we apply the right remedy together. We have solutions for the small doctor’s offices as well as for the large hospitals.

What We Do:
  • PHI Data has to be encrypted
  • Social Media and Mobile devices need to be considered in your compliance plans
  • Sometimes technology is not the solution needed—procedure updates and policy re-writes are just as important
What You Need to Know:
  • Comprehensive Risk Assessments
  • Policy Audits and Procedure Writing
  • Access Management
  • Securing data, both in transfers and at rest
  • Pinpointing Unauthorized Access

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