PCI Compliance and PCI QSA Services

Don’t procrastinate when securing credit card data.

Novacoast is QSA Certified by the PCI Security Standards Counsel and we have years of experience in helping organizations get compliant.

Whether you process millions of transactions or only one every once in a while, you need to be compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). And you risk a lot by waiting until your assessment date to pay attention to what is required. Ongoing compliance and risk programs strengthen your organization and allow you to spend less time and money when your assessment comes up.

The latest revision of the security standard version—3.0—is required for all by November of this year. Within this latest revision there are 17 new and improved requirements. You need to show progress and history that you are moving to the new version so scrambling at the last minute is not going to get you to pass.

Are you ready?

What We Do:
  • Authorized QSA services
  • Managed PCI-DSS Assessments
  • Assessment and writing of policies and procedures
  • Provide security awareness training for every level of the organization
  • Incident response team on call and ready to assist
  • Staffing of IT staff with security knowledge
What you need to know:
  1. You must map out the card holder data flows in the network diagram (1.1.3)
  2. You must have an inventory of all system components of the in scope environment (2.4)
  3. You must evaluate evolving malware threats to those systems that are not commonly affected by malware (5.1.2)
  4. You must show that antivirus is actively running and that it can not be turned off by the user (5.3)
  5. Service providers with remote access to customer premises are required to use unique authentication credentials for each customer (8.5.1 effective July 1, 2015)

In the latest PCI-DSS standard there are added requirements to increase:

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Download: Top 10 PCI Compliance Myths and Mistakes

Common misconceptions dispelled with advice straight from the PCI Security Standards Counsel.

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