Co-Managed SIEM

Use Cases for Co-Managed PAM

While Privileged Access Management (PAM) is a cornerstone of access-based security for any organization, it requires an active hands-on approach to onboard new resources, perform maintenance of assets, and regularly monitor the health and configuration integrity of vendor products. Using a managed service provider to alleviate the load can ensure PAM performs as needed 24/7.

Here a few common Co-Managed PAM use cases:

PAM Move/Add/Change Tasks are Requested in High Volumes

PAM administration is, by its nature, an IT discipline with high daily task volume to grant proxy access to critical privileged user accounts. If your team is burning man-hours with requests and access changes, a second team to alleviate the workload can free up primary resources to focus on other strategic concerns.

Configured Automation Tasks Require Frequent Monitoring

If your PAM configuration involves simple or complex triggered federation events, it can break. A managed service provider will perform health checks on a set interval to confirm automation is working and performing as designed. At our Level 3 engineering tier, our security engineers can help fix and/or change configurations to meet function and performance goals.

Frequent Problems With PAM

A managed services team with experience in PAM can both assist in operations as well as troubleshooting issues with configuration, automation, and maintaining systems. Like any system, PAM vendor products are prone to security vulnerabilities and require occasional updates and patching.

Novacoast’s multi-level Co-Managed PAM service provides solutions from simple task support augmentation all the way to full PAM engineering support.

No Privileged Access Solution Implemented

The case for Privileged Access Management is rooted in a common overarching vulnerability that all organizations have: user accounts with privileges can do a lot of damage if compromised. In an IT environment these privileged accounts are often accessed by multiple users with a shared password, increasing the risk.

A Co-Managed PAM solution could begin with a PAM design and implementation from our experienced security engineers, and followed up with continued management to assist internal teams in operations.