Co-Managed SIEM

Build a Co-Managed PAM Program

From assistance in operation and administration to customization and patching support, Novacoast can tailor our service to provide a Co-Managed PAM solution that fits perfectly.

What We Do

Novacoast will cooperatively manage a PAM environment, leveraging accepted industry best practices as well as learned expertise to provide support in administration and engineering.

The Co-Managed PAM service is comprised of two complementary tiers:

  • Level 2 – Administration Support
  • Level 3 – Engineering Support.

Level 2 – Administration Support

Intended to supplement the daily administration and operational task load, our Level 2 Co-Managed PAM provides the following services:

  • Onboarding support
  • Move / Add / Change support
  • Weekly automation health checks
Onboarding support

Based on customer requirements, Novacoast will handle onboarding requests and assist in expanding the PAM scope within the customer environment. Depending on the Co-managed model in place, the Novacoast PAM team can integrate the the customer’s existing workflow.

Novacoast supports the onboarding of new assets, new users, and new accounts.

The service is designed for minimal intrusion and disruption of business.

Move / Add / Change Support

In addition to onboarding, Novacoast provides direct user support of access issues and problems, including issues discovered during password check and check operations.

Weekly automation health checks

Novacoast system administrators will perform a thorough check of the customer check-and-change operations in an attempt to detect potential issues and to assess efficiency. This includes investigation and remediation of systems that are found to be not working correctly.

Level 3 – Engineering Support

Engineering Support is intended to supplement Level 2 services while adding maturity and optimization efforts to maximize effectiveness of the PAM solution in place.

Novacoast PAM engineers will provide expertise to improve the PAM solution implementation, configuration, and operation. These services include:

  • Patching support
  • Scripting and advanced feature support
  • Quarterly health checks
  • Problem resolution
Patching support

Novacoast PAM engineers will test patches in an isolated lab environment that best simulates the use cases of the customer environment. Once the patching process, timing, and methodology has been confirmed, Novacoast will assist the customer team in patching of non-production environments. New features and functions that may impact the environment will be highlighted and emphasized.

Based on customer change requirements, Novacoast engineers will coordinate to provide direct support during patching operations.

Scripting and advanced feature support

If advanced or custom scripting is required to utilze the customer’s PAM solution, or to take advantage of new features of the product(s), Novacoast engineers are available to provide support and guidance.

Quarterly health checks

Novacoast engineers will perform a thorough health check of the customer PAM system in an attempt to identify potential issues and to assess capacity and architecture.

Problem resolution

Novacoast engineers are available to consult on PAM products and provide expertise in helping resolve any issue experienced in usage of the PAM environment.

How It Works

In the case of both Level 2 – Administration Support and Level 3 – Engineering Support, Novacoast personnel will utilize the customer’s standard remote access method to perform the agreed upon services.

Connections will originate from secure jumpboxes and can be authenticated using the customer’s standard multi-factor authentication process.